whateverandmore...journal of my experiences and thoughts

Do you know Frank Sinatra's song, That's Life? I been a pauper, a poet, a pirate, a pawn and a queen. I am mother; I was a teacher; I am a Democrat; I was raised a Catholic; I have been a member of unions;I am a child of Ellis Island immigrants; I was born & raised in the city of big shoulders; I follow politics; I have voted in every election since 1972. The absurdity of the right-wingnuts amuses me.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Terror & POTUS Response.........

It amazes me that the GOP actually wants to bring up the proper response from POTUS to terror.

I remember standing in the office of the school on 9/11. It was my lunch-duty time, but I was hypnotized by the events on the tv. I couldn't move; there were about 10 of us standing there. And I still remember my first thoughts. How could this happen? What about the CIA or the FBI or the Air Traffic Controllers or somebody who was supposed to keep this from happening.

My next very clear thought was this: Why isn't the President coming on tv to make a quick announcement or something..........say something.............tell us something.

All the information on tv was speculation, and most of the televised programming that whole day was taken by individuals with cameras.

Now I know that Bush was at a school and became paralyzed with stupidity or something, because he took a while to leave and then was flown across the county, back and forth, as some sort of protection for him.

But the rest of us were confused and scared and had no leader to reassure us.

I will say Bush did good when he went out to ground zero and stood with the firefighters; I have to admit I kinda liked him for that one minute, but he failed so miserably with all of his responses to terrorism. Remember his great words of wisdom: Go Shopping or the terrorists win.

So I am thinking that is what is more "normal" for the GOP critics. President Obama would have to lower his bar. He would have to wait 6 days to mention a thwarted attack; he must use the words terrorist and war and maybe put on a nice flag pin for good measure.