whateverandmore...journal of my experiences and thoughts

Do you know Frank Sinatra's song, That's Life? I been a pauper, a poet, a pirate, a pawn and a queen. I am mother; I was a teacher; I am a Democrat; I was raised a Catholic; I have been a member of unions;I am a child of Ellis Island immigrants; I was born & raised in the city of big shoulders; I follow politics; I have voted in every election since 1972. The absurdity of the right-wingnuts amuses me.

Monday, December 28, 2009

This is what you need to know about Sarah Palin...

Sarah Palin, above all else, is a competitor. She played basketball and entered beauty contests. Winning is the whole point to her. Life is one big competition.

But being a parent of children who played competitively, I somehow envision her Dad all ways providing her an out for her losses. This parent-type is quite common, actually. Poor Sarah lost the beauty contest because the hair spray she used failed to keep her hair stiff enough. Sarah had ethics violations because she had the misfortune of running for VP. Vicious Katie Couric attacked her with questions about what magazines she read. Couric really meant to belittle Palin because, as we all didn't know, people from Alaska are known to be hicks. At least, that is what I think Palin said. When she loses, it's never really her fault.

Palin won the Governor's race in Alaska, but she didn't really know she had to work after that, so she quit. Her nebulous reasons indicate that she had a better offer and if we loved America & Alaska, we would support her quitting. At least, that is what I think Palin said.

Most recently,the book won her millions. Now what to do with those millions. I say Palin should donate it to her church. I am sure they would be ecstatic.

But she is looking for her next competition. Maybe she will take on Bristol's baby Daddy again and call him "Ricky Hollywood" ( yes, there is "Say-It-Aint-So-Joe; Joe the Plumber) Then he will respond with some dirt; she will have to retaliate in order to win. This fodder would be much more fun, than the death panels contest she is currently playing.

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